What the hell do I do in Austin?

Stuffed armadillo with a beer in their arms, caption over image says 'Go Home Armadillo You're Drunk'
unsplash-logoCosmic Timetraveler

Hey there's plenty of great stuff to see and do that isn't just Sixth Street! It may be overwhelming at first, but as your friendly native born-and-raised Austinite being your guide, this map will help you to find the more 'weird' and unique spots in Central Texas.

This is only a small sampling of what's to come. If you're a native who wants to know why I didn't add Hippie Hollow, or have other suggestions, shoot me an email. Hope this is helpful for y'all!

Stuffed armadillo with a beer in their arms, caption over image says 'Go Home Armadillo You're Drunk'
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